250.00 € 200.00 € -50.00 €

Prodotto non disponibile
Il .45 Caliber è un pedale che da diverso tempo è stato richiesto a gran voce a Rockett Pedals. E’ una ri-creazione del suono overdrive originale del JTM 45 del 1962. L’influenza sonora deriva direttamente dal suono crunch brillante delle ritmiche del vecchio Malcolm Young e da quello di Pete Townsend nel Live at Leeds The new .45 Caliber is a pedal we have been asked to create for some time now. It is a recreation of the original 1962 JTM 45 sound, overdriven. The sonic influence came directly from the old Malcolm Young, brilliantly crunchy rhythm tones and the old Pete Townsend Live at Leeds, “face-melting” goodness! To achieve that sound seems like an easy task but this design proved to be quite a challenge. After a year or so we feel we have nailed it, not only in sound, but also in feel. The .45 Caliber also takes advantage of the new “Speed Switch” system.

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